Announcing The Divers newest CD!
Where You Are Now

Available now for online purchase here.
Hey! We were written up recently in the Mankato Free Press! Check it out.
"The four of you are so polished and entertaining...The entire crowd was smiling throughout your performance."
-- Jim D.
"I'm in love with a coffee bean. Aiee Aiee!... The Divers hold a special place for my wife and me."
-- Jared
"You guys were an awesome group to have on campus... I would book you again in an instant."
-- Christie F.
"Thanks for all the fun and beautiful songs you've given us over the years!"
-- Christina J.
"I just wanted to hug all of you tonight."
-- Jennifer K.
"...this is one event my high school senior is actually wanting to attend WITH HIS MOTHER!!!... Nothing like having a grateful teenager in the house!"
-- Jo B.
"I played it [Missing You] as we were walking to class, and, no joke, she stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk at the end of the song, turned to me with tears in her eyes, and kissed me."
-- Jon F.
"I wanted you to know that one of the albums I purchased was included in a care package to our son, a soldier stationed in Baghdad. We "Skyped" with him this morning and he informed us his whole unit has joined the ranks of Divers fans."
-- Darcy S.
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